Estonia's first HR-analytics book published

The Estonian HR Society published the first practical HR analytics handbook in Estonia. It also includes a chapter on the impact of domestic abuse on the employee and the employer to raise awareness and inspire HR practitioners to take action.
The HR analytics handbook is the first book of its kind in Estonia that deals exclusively with HR analytics from different perspectives of the employee life cycle. According to the book's editors ** Helo Tamme and Egle Saska**, the aim is to provide knowledge and value to readers with different levels of experience, and the book includes examples ranging from simple metrics to complex predictive tools.
At the request of Helo Tamme and Egle Saska, Hannaliisa Uusma, Director of Domestib Abuse Prevention Programme at the President Kaljulaid Foundation, and Triin Adamson, Lead of Employers Against Domestic Abuse, wrote a chapter in the book on the impact of domestic abuse on employees and employers.
The chapter deals with:
- The nature of domestic abuse and the background to the problem.
- The nature of domestic abuse and the role of perpetrators in the workplace and the impact of domestic abuse on employees and employers/organisations.
- Ways in which employers can prevent, notice and provide support.
- Methods for employers to measure the impact of their actions.
You can buy the book at the Estonian HR Society events! Information about the next event "EHRS Summit" can be found here: